21st August 21 - Saturday Morning Training

  • 0 No. Attendees


Saturday Morning training

By booking on to this session you agree to the COVID-19 Risk Assessment and guidelines set out on our website and in our newsletter.

Please remember not to attend if you feel unwell and you need your own personal hand gel to ensure we all stay safe throughout.

Please note: Group runs are limited to 15 members per Run Leader and will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Options are below and will be confirmed on the night from our Run Leaders.

Aquadrome ‘Parkrun Sandwich’ (Mostly flat half marathon) with Timi leading (and Patrick RL) - 7:30am Chorleywood Common Car Park

Meet up at Chorleywood Common Car Park at 7.30am. Free unlimited parking, post code WD3 5LN.

The plan is to run to the Aquadrome in Ricky on the Chess Valley Trail, to the parkrun starting point by the Cafe. Distance up to this point is ca. 10km, we can go at a leisurely pace to save energy for parkrun. 

Do parkrun. Grab a coffee and a quick snack from the Aquadrome Cafe to refuel. 

Run back to Chorleywood via Stocker’s Lake Nature Reserve. Ca. 6km ‘cooldown’.

Total distance: around half marathon. 

Road shoes should be fine but it might be a bit muddy in some places around Stockers Lake.
