12th August 21 - Thursday Evening Training

  • 0 No. Attendees


Striders Social - Blanche's BBQ!

This Thursday sees the return of Blanche’s wonderful Striders Social BBQ!

There are 3 run options available, 3 miles ES with Linda, 5 miles steady with Sally and 6 miles faster paced with Dan.

Please meet at Blanche’s house at 6:45 pm, we will run and then return for a BBQ! Blanche’s address is Conkers, Wendover Road, Bourne End, SL8 5NT (parking on Wendover Road).

Please bring your own drinks and a picnic blanket to sit on - the cost is £5 per person for food, please bring your money on the night.

By booking on to this session you agree to the COVID-19 Risk Assessment and guidelines set out on our website and in our newsletter.

Please remember not to attend if you feel unwell and you need your own personal hand gel to ensure we all stay safe throughout.

Please note: Group runs are limited to 15 members per Run Leader and will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Options are below and will be confirmed on the night from our Run Leaders. 
