11th January 2022 - Tuesday Evening Training



Training from Marlow Sports Club

By booking on to this session you agree to the COVID-19 Risk Assessment and guidelines set out on our website and in our newsletter.

Please remember not to attend if you feel unwell and you need your own personal hand gel to ensure we all stay safe throughout.

Please note: Group runs are limited to 15 members per Run Leader and will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Options are below and will be confirmed on the night from our Run Leaders.


Easy Striders (ES) - No stress pace for all | 3 to 4 miles | 12+ min/mi

Easy Striders Plus (ES+) - Improvers group | 4 to 5 miles | 11 min/mi

Breezy Striders (BS) - Chit-chat intermediate group | 6 miles | 9-10 min/mi

Breezy Striders Plus (BS+) - Bridging the gap to Speedy Striders | 6-7 miles | 8-9 min/mi

Speedy Striders (SS) - Chasing that high speed | 6-7 miles | 8min/mi or below

Intervals - Quality speedwork, mixing fast efforts with recoveries
