Our Penguins

Walking with Penguins


The Penguins - an unstructured & informal gathering of retired (from running), injured or interloping Striders, who meet on Tuesday & Thursday evenings at the Marlow Sports Club.

Their walks, along the river side Thames Tow-Path, around town or up to & around Marlow Common are dependant upon the weather & participants on the night but always designed to return to the Sports Club bar for the opening time of 8pm!

The Penguins were formed circa 2002 by the revered Emperor John Suddaby, a Marlow Striders Founder Member, who following an injury, decided to walk whilst his fellow Striders ran but importantly, to meet up with them socially in the bar afterwards - a model adopted a few years later by Paul Sinton-Hewitt with parkrun. Over the years The Penguins have seen a number of Striders join their Colony with 3 Founder Strider members still in regular attendance.

The Striders mantra of a "social club that runs" is a key part of the Penguins philosophy where, during their walks & social rehydration after, the conversation & humour abound, covering topics from the state of the nation, general & local knowledge, to the latest TV show or movie; a mindset that extends beyond, into their own social WhatsApp platform.
